The Committed Media Buyer, Who's Ready To Do Whatever It Takes To Make This Next Year, Their Best Year, Ever!
*Warning! Only For You IF You’re Already 100% Convinced That Having Longterm Success, Stability, & Scale With Your Campaigns Is KEY To You Achieving Your Goals & Dreams – IF You’re NOT? Click Here! – IF YOU ARE? Read On!
From: Darnel a.k.a. DEADZ
Super Affiliate, Guru, Just Passionate
@ “The Heart of The Caribbean”, Curaçao
RE: Your Invitation To The Pro Leagues…
February 14, 2025
Dear Future Fellow Mythic Marketer,
I hope this message reached you at the right time…
Your timing is actually so important right now, that I want to start off by promising you that I’m NOT planning on wasting any minute of your valuable attention here.
So, Let’s Just Get Straight To The Point…
You should know that this page is purposely designed – by one serious Marketer (that’s me), with One Simple, & Yet BIG, Mission – to Help another serious Marketer (& I’m hoping that’s You) to Develop, & Hone, & Master some serious Performance Marketing Skills.
The Goal Here Is To Help You Achieve “EndGame“…
See, I’m convinced that – whatever your personal end goal might be, as long as Media Buying plays any part in your longterm game plan – the resources you’ll discover in this message today will help you reach the skill levels required to achieve those “end” goals of yours.
And, In fact, these resources have been carefuly crafted, for years now, in order to help you further solidify your status as a “True Master” Media Buyer, while also helping you secure your position within our scene‘s ever-evolving “Dog Eat Dog” environment for even more years to come.
Look, BIG Changes Are Happening, Right Now…
The “Ad Buying Game” – no matter if it’s on Social, Native, Search, Banners, SMS, Pre-Rolls, Push, E-Mail, or “You Name It” – seems to be getting harder & harder, and that’s more so every year, and it’s not just for the average Marketer, but especially so for us “Lone Wolf” type Marketers.
And, while our scene’s obscure “Propaganda Machine” seems to be dead-set on keeping us distracted with senseless content & debates, about “the good” & “the bad”, “what’s dead” & “what’s not”, “what the next game-changing opportunity will be”, or “what this next update will mean for your future”, a.k.a. “everything we should & shouldn’t believe” about our industry, today…
You can rest assured that this message is NOT designed as part of any machine that’s set to sell you on anything.
See, this message is here to, at the very least, remind you that no matter what, one thing will always be true…
YOU Just Have To Be Better…
…Let’s Face It – Your livelihood, your hopes & dreams, your ideal & optimal lifestyle – and maybe even those of your loved ones – ALL depend on your ability to deliver performance, and more importantly, your ability to maintain that performance in the long run.
You ARE A Performance Marketer After All…
Well, consider this a friendly wake up call (“to adventure”) & challenge, from a fellow marketer, for you to embrace being even more, and ultimately, achieving even more of that Performance, Marketer.
See, IF you plan to still be around & actually thriving, at least during this next decade, then there’s some serious concerns we need to address, right here & now.
So, Let’s Face The Facts, And…
Admit It
You Already Have The Experience…
…You already know how hard it actually is to achieve any form of success & everything it takes to even maintain that success in our cut-throat industry, today – and more importantly, that it’s not as easy as what the scene’s propaganda machine promotes it to be.
…You know that it actually requires consistency, discipline, constant researching & testing, and actively staying ahead of the crowd – a.k.a. you have to keep “Sharpening Your Edge” all the time – in order to preserve your ability to actually achieve any sustainable results.
You Already Have The Success…
…Yet, in the back of your mind, you still have worries about your campaigns “crashing & burning”, and even how any of the moving parts can break at any moment now.
…And, even with your “best” campaigns, you’re still not 100% convinced that your results are based on actual solid Media Buying skills, or if it’s just some very good “copy & paste” skills, or secret “loophole” or industry “hookup” or “the algo”, or even just “plain ol random luck”.
You Still Feel Like You’re Missing “Something”…
…You still have doubts about Strategy, and even if those Reps, Managers, & “fellow” Marketers actually do want “What’s best for YOU”, with their “advice”, in all those “Chats” & “Communities” that you’re a part of.
…You still struggle to find Clarity, a.k.a. that “Just What I Needed” type of advice, that’s also actually applicable for you and your specific situation, and more importantly “Right On Time” when you actually need it the most.
You Also Know Our Industry Isn’t Solid…
…The “Foundation” is falling apart – whether it’s top “#1 Networks” shutting down out of nowhere, OR renowned “Industry Leaders” & “Gurus” cashing out & moving on to the “next big opportunity” (eCom, Crypto, High-Ticket, NewsLetters, Coaching, AI, “You Name It”), OR even “#1 Forums” rebranding into (even more) blatant “Promo Funnels” & “Marketplaces” for events & courses.
…AND, more importantly, those same “amazing strategies” that seemed to “work wonders” for just about any “Average Joe” Marketer in forums for the last few years, barely move a needle on the ROI charts these days, and our industry doesn’t plan to admit to anything, anytime soon.
You Know You Need A “Game-Changer”…
…You still feel like you’re NOT doing “anything amazing” or even “out of the ordinary” with your “Performance Marketing” campaigns – and deep down, you know you’re still not that “Epic Marketer” you’ve always dreamt of being, by now.
…And, you know you can’t afford to be dependant on whatever next best “trick”, “loophole”, or “gimmick” the scene’s propaganda machine decides to serve you as the “next big opportunity” or “strategy for success”.
So, Just Admit It, You Know You Deserve Better…
You're A PRO, Marketer, And You Deserve To Be Treated Like One
See, We Know The Difference Between The Average – Affiliate, Direct Response, CPA, Arbitrage, DTC, & “You Name It” – Marketers, And Real Performance Marketers…
And yet, our industry & its propaganda wants us to believe that “there is no difference”, and expects us to just blindly act AS IF this is the reality for each & every one of us…
BUT we already know that while “Yes” Performance Marketers can be the Affiliate, Direct Response, Agency, PPC, Arbitrage, D2C, and all sorts & kinds of Marketers, and in some cases even all of them at the same time…
Not Just Any Marketer Can Be A Performance Marketer…
Look, we’re talking about the more elite set of Marketers here – who focus on combining various fundamentals, to create, optimize, and scale high-volume, high-risk, high-reward advertising campaigns that can drive high-value results for virtually any kind of Brand or Business.
…Most Marketers can only dream of ever having these skills, BUT the harsh reality is that only a small % actually become True Masters in the Performance Marketing game.
Being A Performance Marketer Means Being A Pro…
See, while Amateurs keep striving in the never-ending search for the easy route, a.k.a the next “best” tactic, trick or hack – a.k.a Shiny Object Syndrome – always dabbling in “everything”, but never mastering “anything”…
Pros thrive off of the long-term stability that comes from true mastery – gained through practical experience, constant early adoption, timely insights from other experts, proven frameworks & strategies that are rooted in fundamentals – and remaining a lifelong “student of the game” in order to keep honing their abilities.
BUT, Here’s The BIG Problem…
Our industry actually knows that the Amateur has hopes & dreams of one day becoming a Pro!
…BUT, our industry also knows that the Amateur is the perfect customer to have & keep inside their funnel, a.k.a. their flywheel – a.k.a. their whole “forums, and events, and contests, and courses, etc” – Marketing Eco-System.
…a.k.a. the longer the Amateur stays an Amateur, means the longer the whole eco-system can profit off of them – and that’s right, more Amateurs means more profit.
Our Industry Needs Amateurs…
See, Amateurs are easy to please – just overload them with generic, fluffed-up, & outdated misinformation that makes everything seem even more complex than it already is.
…and hand them a copy & paste “Business In A Box” that gives them “The Best Converting Offers, AND Extra-Monetization Tools That Boost ROI, AND The Best Converting Traffic That Auto-Optimizes Itself”, and ALL “from the same one company”, and they won’t question a thing.
…in fact, they’ll just be happy with getting paid their salary commissions every month – as long as it gives them the illusion of creating online income, and keeps them in a hopeful loop of ever achieving their dreams.
Our Industry Wasn’t Built To Serve Pros…
See, our industry‘s founding generation literally made Billions off of packaging & selling the “Super Affiliate Dream” to the masses of Amateurs for decades…
And, even today, with the “Super Affiliate Dream” being as good as dead in 2025, the industry still manages to find more clever ways to design & disguise their partnership funnels that mainly aim to monetize the Amateurs.
And, Let’s Be Honest – This is only a problem for you IF you’re one of the rare few that have a burning desire to actually be a Pro, or even more than just a Pro…
IF You’re Really That Ambitious – You already know that you have “too much at risk” to be wasting your precious attention & resources following any false promises & propaganda, especially in today’s environment.
See, This Is What’s Holding You Back…
Not Having Pro Systems Could Be The #1 Bottleneck To Your Longterm Success, Stability, & Scale
Pros Rely On Their Systems…
It’s normal for a professional athlete to have a Coach, Trainer, Nutritionist, Therapist – a.k.a. a whole team dedicated to helping them perform at their best.
…And more importantly, the Pros have playbooks full of frameworks & strategies that are constantly being tuned & refined in order to perform under any pressure.
…And, the same is true for Traders, Lawyers, Surgeons, Engineers, Pilots, or any profession that requires peak performance – Pros always have the right support systems in place to keep them at the top of their game.
And, Performance Marketers Are No Different…
We’re not just Marketers – We’re Media Buyers, CopyWriters, Researchers, Designers, Analysts, Psychologists, Coders, & more, & all at the same time.
…And, in order to really be able to perform at our best, we have to spend thousands of our own budget & hours studying audiences, testing creatives, & experimenting with new strategies to stay ahead of the competition.
…And, with today’s increasing challenges in the scene, we know we can never slack off in any of these areas – this is just what it takes for us to have success.
…But, every moment spent looking for answers, searching for the next opportunity, or troubleshooting campaigns, could be spent developing new strategies, optimizing our funnels, and utlimately increasing our CVR, EPC, & ROI.
Well, Here’s Your Game-Changer…
That "Unfair Advantage" Kind of Edge That You've Been Missing In Your Arsenal Is Finally Here
…Built By Pros For Pros.
And, this is the reason why I’m so excited you were actually able to find & read this message here today…
See, I’ve been working on this for years now (& I still am) to bring together decades of wisdom, experience, strategies, connections, and resources.
…And even some amazing like-minded Marketers, who’ve also agreed to help us build something epic here.
…And threw it all into this one very private bundle – a “MYTHIC Arsenal“, you could say.
This is how we, as Pros, and passionate Affiliate Media Buyers & Performance Marketers are able to get everything we need to perform at our daily best, all in one place.
This is all about building a real Tribe based on authentic partnerships & collaborations between real Pros that share the same passion & drive for Performance Marketing.
And, our members understand how important it is to protect, not only the valuable strategies & resources, but also the professional mindset we share as a Tribe.
This is why I’ve spent countless hours (& I still am) honing this invitation process here, so we can do a (even) better job of keeping our special tribe intact, for even more years to come, beyond just 2025.
This is NOT about filling up some funnel with costumers, that we don’t care about serving – a.k.a just “building a list” – so we can promote services that we don’t even use or believe in ourselves – like all the other groups.
This is NOT about bombarding you with “glorified Ads” disguised as “exclusive” discounts & bonuses, just to get you to sign up for services with no real value-add towards your success at all, just for some measily commissions.
And, Look – We’re only interested in attracting & working with more & more Marketers like us – Marketers that value their time, money & energy – Marketers that understand & value the blessing of having a real Tribe that actually cares about each member’s success.
See, each asset in The MYTHIC Arsenal is dedicated to helping each member (& I’m considering you as one of us, right now) to remove any bottlenecks, roadblocks, or even self-sabotaging beliefs & behaviours that might keep us from achieving our Performance Marketing goals.
See, This Is…
Your Personal Invite
This is everything we’ve always wished for…
But we couldn’t find it anywhere else…
So now we’re building it ourselves…
And we’re getting better & better every year…
And this next year is looking to be our best year yet…
And we’re inviting you to come share in our success…
See, since you’re one of the few that actually made it this far, that means this MYTHIC Message resonates with you on some level, that proves that you’re one of the MYTHIC Marketers that this page is designed to find.
So, consider this your personal invitation to come & create more Success, Stability, Scale with your campaigns, which can lead to bigger-than-ever breakthroughs for you (& your loved ones) in 2025 & beyond!
Now, Here’s What Happens Next…
#1. You Claim Your Invite Below
#2. You Get Pre-Qualified & Approved
#3. You Get Access To The MYTHIC Arsenal
The Fundamental Edge For Legendary Performance Marketers
The Ultimate Mindset, FrameWorks, & Strategy Guide. Essential for Affiliate Media Buyers That Strive to Achieve Longterm Success, Stability, & Scale.
The #1 Premium Discord Community of 300+ Like-Minded Pro Performance Marketers Averaging 3-Figures to 6-Figures in Daily Revenue.
In-Demand Private Coaching for Elite Performance Marketers with Matching Personalities, Strong Budgets, & Ambitious Performance Goals.
Sneak Peek - The MYTHIC FrameWork, Proven Through 8-Figures+ of Ad Spend on Various Ad Formats & Verticals
…Perfected through years of testing & fine-tuning various fundamental Media Buying strategies, AND on thousands of Campaigns, AND by hundreds of Marketers, AND on all of the prime Ad Formats & Verticals.
Now, look, I really need you to grasp that what you’re about to read here is NOT some fluffed-up sales copy…
This “Mythic FrameWork” has proven itself to be The “Foundation for Success”, not just for myself, but also for thousands of other Pro Media Buyers, since 2020.
“This is the same framework I’ve personally used…
…to go from 0 to $XX.XXX in profit within the first few weeks of my own journey, to maintaining 5-Figures+ per month beyond that, since 2018, as a solo Affiliate.
…to become established as an in-demand Pro Media Buyer, Vertical Expert, “Super Affiliate”, that’s sought after for Campaigns, Case Studies, Interviews, Coaching, Advise, & Partnerships by various owners of Networks, Forums, Private Offers, Brands, Agencies, and more.
…to work behind the scenes with multiple top Advertisers, Offer Owners, Agencies, eCom Brands, & In-House Media Buying Teams, on larger-scale campaigns, that reach upwards of 8-Figures per month in Revenue.
….and more importantly, to build up an undeniable track-record of helping literally thousands of other (random) online Marketers (& of all sorts) to achieve similar & in some cases even much better results vs myself“
* And P.S. This framework has actually already been proven on 9-Figures by the time you’re reading this – I just thought “8” still looked better in the headline above.
* …In fact, just the ~300 members inside the ADMYTHIC group are collectively reponsable for mid 9-Figures in yearly revenue – and that’s not even considering the potential results of the 9k+ Affiliates who’ve already had access to the full details of this framework.
And, I’m only mentioning all of this to you because I truly believe that this framework can serve to be a game-changing (& even life-changing) catalyst for you today, as it’s already done for countless other Marketers.
See, This Is Our FrameWork’s Essence…
Our #1 Asset As Performance Marketers = Our Data
…Especially as Affiliates, we’re constantly risking our own capital to build up the brands & businesses of others, but we rarely get any upside from all the backend LTV of the customers we bring in – what we’re actually “left with” in the end is the data “just laying there” inside our tracker.
…And even as Offer & Agency Owners, we’re constantly losing out on more ROI opportunities, since it’s so easy to lose track of key metrics at scale, making it harder to identify & capitalize on patterns & trends on all the sub sources & segments scattered throughout our data.
See, no matter what position we play, as Performance Marketers, there’s always more longterm value to be extracted from our data – but that’s only IF we know how to properly buy, manage, analyze, & re-use that data.
And, That’s Why…
The Mythic FrameWork relies on 3 Fundamental Media Buying Approaches – “Portfolio“, “Phases“, “Pools” – each designed to equip you with the essential skills required to properly leverage your #1 asset, your data.
* What you’re about to read here is just a quick preview – The full (& updated) AFFMANUAL is already set to be delivered to your inbox (& yes, it’s free) within the next hour of you completing the “Claim Your Invite” form.
Now, Let’s Start With…
The Portfolio Approach
Vertical Focus
Ad Formats & GEOs
Data Management
Budget & CashFlow
…Approaching the collection of ALL your Campaigns from the perspective of a Portfolio Manager.
…Just like you would do with any other investment portfolio, like real estate, trading, crypto, etc – the main goal here is to consider the performance of your whole portfolio of campaigns as the main Performance Indicator (KPI).
…And making decisions on where to focus your next chunk of Budget, based on “where the most stable ROI is coming from” by considering your Portfolio’s data based on its Vertical & Sub-Niches, its top-performing Ad Formats & Traffic Sources, and the possible Targeting & Scheduling options available in your Traffic Source’s settings.
…While also routinely analyzing & comparing your Portfolio’s performance trends during different timeframes – i.e. lifetime vs last 30 days vs last 7 days – in order to identify new trends & opportunities for your campaigns.
The Portfolio Approach Helps You Focus CashFlow On Your Best ROI Opportunities While Also Helping You Limit Unnecesary Budget Waste…
Adopting the Portfolio approach also helps you beat Shiny Object Syndrome, escape the standard “Churn & Burn” loop with campaigns, gain more leverage & positioning as a Pro Media Buyer & Vertical Expert, gain better insights from partners, and make fewer self-sabotaging optimization mistakes with campaigns.
And Now, Here’s…
The Phases Approach
Research & Discover
Target & Test
Optimize & Stabilize
Scale & Profit
…Evaluating each part of your Campaign’s “natural life-cycle” as each being it’s own specific “Phase” with its own specific set of Performance Rules & Goals.
…Every “Phase” follows strict rules on when & how to engage with your campaign based on specific amounts of spend (e.g. “only after every 5x or 10x CPA spend”) and specific time-frames (e.g. “only after every 3 or 7 days”).
…And, for each “Phase”, you decide if the goal is to either test & validate a campaign opportunity, or to validate if the traffic source settings work as expected when applying targeting & scheduling data, or to retest creatives & funnels, or to test more opportunities for whitelists & scale, etc.
The Phases Approach Helps You Make Better Short-Term Decisons While Still Staying Focused On Hitting Your Long Term Performance Goals & Results…
Adopting the Phases approach also helps you keep your data clean (which is crucial for making better decisions later on), and lowers the stress on your budget (which is especially useful if you’re on a tight budget), and especially helps you avoid over-optimizing & self-sabotaging your campaigns (which is arguably the #1 most common mistake that most Affiliates make).
And, Last But Not Least…
The Pools Approach
Big Data Analysis
Filtered Reports
Black, White & EPC Lists
(Re)Launch Winners
…Strategically Using “Big Data” To Find New Opportunities For Optimizing & Scaling, And Even Troubleshooting & Reviving Your Best Performing Campaigns.
…A more advanced approach towards working with campaigns that already have lots of data, a.k.a “Big Data Campaigns”, a.k.a. campaigns that have at least “200x Your Main KPI (CPA) Amount” worth of data in lifetime spend.
…And knowing how to keep your data clean, and making proper use of your Tracker’s Data Retention, DrillDown & Filtering report options to create BlackLists, WhiteLists, & EPC-Lists that you can use over & over again to launch more low-risk test campaigns that have the potential generate more Scale & ROI for your portfolio.
The Pools Approach Helps You (Re)Create More & More Profitable Campaigns By (Re)Using Your Life-Time Data As An Evergreen Indicator For New Opportunities…
Adopting The Pools Approach also helps you focus on Data preservation, and avoid Data pollution, so that you can leverage your Data for years to come, and not have to depend solely on external data sources (e.g. Insights from SpyTools, Traffic Sources, Networks, etc) as your only opportunity indicator for your next campaigns.
* Now, this was just a quick preview – The AFFMANUAL will go more in-depth on each approach, and also offer you key mindset shifts, and advanced strategic approaches, that are bound to help you with your own journey.
* The full (& updated) AFFMANUAL is already set to be delivered to your inbox (& yes, it’s free) within the next hour of you completing the “Claim Your Invite” form.
The Fundamental Edge For Legendary Performance Marketers
The Ultimate Mindset, FrameWorks, & Strategy Guide. Essential for Affiliate Media Buyers That Strive to Achieve Longterm Success, Stability, & Scale.
The #1 Premium Discord Community of 300+ Like-Minded Pro Performance Marketers Averaging 3-Figures to 6-Figures in Daily Revenue.
In-Demand Private Coaching for Elite Performance Marketers with Matching Personalities, Strong Budgets, & Ambitious Performance Goals.
Backed By Decades Of Legendary Experiences + Elite Partnerships + Pro Insights To Help You Be MYTHIC
“ADMYTHIC is the culmination of decades of one Mythic Marketer’s professional experience within the Affiliate, Direct Response, eCom, CPA, Agency, & Performance Marketing scenes…
…Born out of years of frustrations, triggered by the complete lack of proper & actionable advice, vs the vast amount of outdated & fluffed-up misinformation polluting our industry…
…Fueled by an even greater passion for helping fellow Marketers (of all sorts) turn Pro, cultivated throughout years of successfully helping thousands of “Digital Strangers” achieve their “Freedom Lifestyle Income” goals, since 2016…
…Resulting in this Mythic Mission to serve as your most trusted source for personalized advice at every step of your journey to being that Mythic Marketer you’ve always wanted to be“
Darnel a.k.a. DEADZ
Founder @ ADMYTHIC
- February 14, 2025
The Fundamental Edge For Legendary Performance Marketers
The Ultimate Mindset, FrameWorks, & Strategy Guide. Essential for Affiliate Media Buyers That Strive to Achieve Longterm Success, Stability, & Scale.
The #1 Premium Discord Community of 300+ Like-Minded Pro Performance Marketers Averaging 3-Figures to 6-Figures in Daily Revenue.
In-Demand Private Coaching for Elite Performance Marketers with Matching Personalities, Strong Budgets, & Ambitious Performance Goals.