February 14, 2025
From: Darnel a.k.a. DEADZ
Super Affiliate, Guru, Just Passionate
RE: No B.$. “QuickStart” Advice for Affiliates in 2025 & Beyond


Please know that this page isn’t meant for just anyone & everyone.

So, I do hope you found this page through the intended sources, that’s either through the main ADMYTHIC page or via a recommendation link that’s been sent to you directly.

See, this page is only worth reading IF you’re (considering) getting started with Affiliate Media Buying a.k.a. Performance Marketing in 2025.

IF that’s NOT you, or even if you’re concerned that you might’ve found this page by accident, then I highly recommend you just close this page & forget about it.

IF you ARE that (aspiring) Affiliate that’s still in the beginning phases of their journey, then please know that I am genuinly excited for you that you’re on this page right now.

But, First…


You should know that the advice on this page is from someone who’s…

  • Been doing Internet Marketing since 2009, and never had a normal job because of it.
  • Experienced $1B+ in Digital Money, and has already lost millions & made millions multiple times, and has now been averaging at least 5-Figures+ per month in personal income, every month, since 2018, and mainly through Performance Marketing.
  • Never took the fake guru route or sold a 4-figure+ course, but has still managed to help thousands of online strangers generate an online income that’s been able to help them fund their freedom lifestyles, familly lives, and even dreams.
  • Advizes multiple 8-Figure/year Digital Brands & Businesses on their Strategy & Campaigns in terms of Branding, Marketing, Advertising, and more.

…so, as far as I’m concerned, I’m 100% convinced that this is arguably the most straightforward & unbiased advice that you can get when it comes to getting started in this scene – at the very least, that’s my intention in writing this for you.

But, Still…

For Your Own Safety

You should consider this as just “some random online stranger’s advice” and this advice should NOT be considered as financial advice or carear advice, of any sort, whatsoever.

…For all you may know, everything I’m saying here could be fake or just a ploy to get you to buy into some complex invisible sales funnel that’s bound to scam you sooner or later – my point is, especially if you’re still at the start of your journey, “you don’t know what you don’t know”.

…This is a mindset key that’s helped me navigate these scenes with such success, since 2009 – I’d consider everything you see online as just minor signals or indicators of opportunities for success, but never as any sort of guarantee that you’ll have any success, at all.

So, please know that I’m writing this advice from a “This Is Just My Take It Or Leave It Advice To An Earlier Version Of Myself” perspective.

…And that this perspective is based purely off of my own personal experience & opinion.

…And that my personal experience & opinion might (& most likely will) conflict with any information that you’ll find anywhere else.

And, some of this information might not even apply or make any sense to you, yet.

…So, IF for any reason you find that this information does hold your attention in some way, and yet still doesn’t 100% resonate with you right now, then I recommend you save this page for later, and revisit this information later on in your journey.

…I’ve made sure this information is evergreen & applicable for years to come, and even in rare cases where some of it does lose it’s relevance, please rest assured that I’m actually keeping this page updated & applicable for whenever you read it (i.e. February 14, 2025).

So, Now, Here’s…

A Fair Warning

Your primary goal should be to confirm for yourself (and, as quickly as possible) if Performance Marketing is indeed the right vehicle for you.

…And, by the way, *spoiler alert*, for 95% of people, this just isn’t the right vehicle.

See, There’s Plenty Of BIG Opportunities In Digital Marketing Right Now

And, in 2025, Performance Marketing isn’t what it used to be – It did serve as an amazing opportunity for a lot of people in the past, but today I’d say it’s only for a very select few.

Nowadays, there’s plenty of opportunities that can be much more “straightforward” for most people – in the eCom/DTC, Crypto, TikTokShop, Direct Response (Offer Creation), and even AI, scenes – for example, starting from “0” as an Affiliate in 2025, I’d be looking to get started as a TikTokShop Affiliate (check this video & this video for more info).

…In fact, even if I wasn’t considering the Affiliate route, I’d still be focusing on TikTokShop (check this video, this video, this channel & this channel) since it is a BIG opportunity, right now.


See, We Do Need To Stay Realistic Here

And, note that the average beginner usually spends anywhere from $1000 to $3000+ (on failed -ROI campaigns), before they either give up completely & move on to something else (which is what the majority do), or they (actually) start getting the hang of media buying & (actually) start seeing some profitable campaigns (& the success % is already low here).

…And, there’s even worse cases (like this example) to be found online.

…And, even in those rare cases where some actually do find some success, they still have to figure out how to maintain that performance, BUT most of them never achieve any stability, and actually go on wasting more years & money just to end up heavily demotivated and completely moving on from the scene (or even Online Marketing, as a whole) in the end.

And, I’m NOT Trying To Demotivate You Or Anything

I’m just recommending you keep a leveled head here – Again: This is just my “Take it or Leave it” advice, and I’m not going to sell you any false hopes & dreams here.

…See, the scene’s marketing machine does do a good job at making everything seem much easier than it really is – with every Affiliate Network having “the best converting offers”, and Traffic Sources having “the best converting traffic”, and all the auto-optimization tools & extra-monetization scripts doing all the heavy lifting for you – selling you the perfect, plug & play, “bizz in a box”, solution to make money online.

…And, yet all of these companies are already in decade-long partnerships with each other but they still need your money for some “mysterious” reason.

…And, if you just do the math on the # of members & the # of actual success stories in any forum, you’ll see that the success-rate is actually abysmal.

And, do keep in mind that there’s a big part of this scene that focuses on capitalizing on Affiliates by using them as traffic mules, and letting the Affiliates take on all the risks while they profit from every part of the campaigns, no matter if the Affiliates profit or not.

Now, Here’s The Good News

For the special few that do actually dedicate themselves to really mastering the art & science of Performance Marketing – which I still consider to be one of the top 3 Digital Marketing skills to have, ever – this skill does actually allow “anyone” (no matter their education or location, as long as they have enough cashflow & drive) to go from hundreds to millions, without having to deal with any of the headaches of running a business, or having to work a traditional job.

…In fact, as I’m writing this I can actually think of at least 5 members in the ADMYTHIC group, that I’ve personally witnessed go from “0” to now managing 7-to-8-Figures per year in ad spend, and it’s also worth mentioning that each of the group’s 300+ members average anywhere from $100 to $65k per day (from what I’ve documented).

BUT, Please Do Understand That Performance Marketing Is A Skill

“Yes” – while it is a great opportunity for some people to create an online income that can actually (help) fund their freedom lifestyles, family life, and even their passions & dream projects – at the end of the day, Performance Marketing is still a skill.

A skill that can cost you A LOT of time & money to learn.

…A lot of people make the mistake of approaching Performance Marketing as if it’s an investing opportunity, almost as if one can “just put money in & get more money out”, at some point.

…But, while it does take an “investment” to learn, and actually run campaigns, you should also note that there is NO point in the average Performance Marketer’s journey, where one can ever be 100% confident that there will be any positive ROI on the next run.

…Just like the average success % of Affiliates, the success-rate of campaigns is also very low – and once you start running your own campaigns, you’ll notice that 90% of the campaigns you launch will NOT work out as you initially expected.

…And, even when you already have years of experience & even millions spent in the Performance Marketing game, longterm success is never, ever, 100% guaranteed.

“Yes” – increasing your skill level IS what will increase your success-rate & help determine your longevity, BUT that’s still only 1 piece of the puzzle and there’s plenty of other “moving pieces” that can affect your success at any time.

Now, Here’s The One Thing I CAN Promise You

While this page doesn’t guarantee you any success, at the very least, after reading this page you’ll (instantly) have an advantage over the majority of other Affiliates out there, that are stuck in a loop of hopping from one campaign, forum, course, blog, and/or group, etc, to another, (& still) constantly struggling to find any solid (stable & longterm) success.

And, Here’s Why Most Affiliates Struggle…

Most Common Pitfalls 🤬

# Affiliate Networks – Absurd payout-terms & schedules that take too long. Re-brokering offers, which means lower payouts for you. Shaving & even reversing conversions, which also messes up your data & optimizations. And sometimes you don’t even get paid what you’re owed, and even without any legitimate reason or feedback.

And Remember, you’re not just any regular Affiliate, you’re a Media Buyer, need steady cashflow (at least 1x weekly payout) in order to test, optimize & scale your campaigns – but most Affiliate Networks aren’t actually built for Media Buyers (eventhough they claim to be), the majority of them are actually more suitable for other types of Affiliates.

# Affiliate Managers – Most are just bad at what they do (especially the “Junior Managers”), and aren’t very helpful to you, at all. The really bad ones treat you like “proxy traffic sources” & pressure you into sending traffic with “soft threats” to disapprove your offers (in some cases even your account). And most are mainly focused on their “Star Player(s)” – especially since they’re getting paid bonus % based on the performance of their affiliates – and If they know (exactly) what’s working for you, they might share it with them (example p1example p2).

My Opinion – Most Networks (& Managers) will see & treat you as a traffic mule. Letting you spend your budget on “Spray & Pray” campaigns. Doesn’t matter if you win or lose. It’s always win-win for them as they only pay for conversions. And in cases where you “stumble onto something” very profitable, they can use your information (& in some cases even data) to pass onto the big players and/or their internal Media Buying team which have way more budget than you to bring in more conversions for them.

# Traffic Sources – Most are infested with bot/fraud traffic. Only certain countries actually give good results – and this varies a lot on each Traffic Source. Each source has its own “Gimmicks”(in terms of campaign settings) for getting the best “Bang 4 Your Buck” results – and you’ll usually only start to pickup on these after spending (at least) $,- on the platform.

# Traffic Account Managers – Usually don’t give you any attention until you make a $,- deposit. And, any advice they give is mainly focused on getting you to spend more on their Traffic Source, so that they get their % bonus paycheck. And you also have to be careful with some traffic sources & managers. Some of them also have their own internal Media Buying team. And they can use the information & data from your campaigns on their platform for their own campaigns.

# Public Forums – Are set up to only make money for the Admin(s) & Staff (and sometimes even their friends, a.k.a. “Sponsors” & “Partners”, etc). They serve as a “Promo Hub” for Networks, Traffic Sources, Trackers, Gurus & their courses, & other services (some forums are even known for exploit naive beginners). Filled with low-quality “Fluffed Up” out-dated content that only creates information overload & feeds shiny object syndrome. Any “working methods” are posted as teasers (a.k.a “bragging rights”, “case studies”, “motivation”, etc) that only jerk you around, without any added value – and some of these are even sponsored (in 1 way or another) to get you to spend your budget on specific networks and/or traffic sources (while they all share % of the profit with each other).

# Private Forums – Only good during the beginning phases – Admins put “more effort” into these forums when they’re just starting out. As time goes on the overall quality gets watered down and the same issues that plague the public forums start to show up. By the time you join a private forum the strategies that were actually working are now months (to years) old & not applicable at all. And at this point they turn into “helpdesks” for issues with campaign setup, network approval, banned accounts, no payments, etc. On top of all of this, no real pro will actually share their precious strategies in a space like this.

# Facebook Groups – The smaller ( & more concentrated), the better. But usually, they’re (still) filled with beginners. Which makes the real experts share less & less, to avoid creating unnecessary competition for themselves, or getting flooded with inbox messages from newbies (example). In the long-run, these groups also end up turning into promotional hubs for admins courses & services (and/or their friend’s courses & services) as well.

# Courses – Nowadays, you can download ANY course for free (just lookup sites like getwsodo, freecoarser, blackhatsem or edollarearn). You should know this by now! Even the creators of the courses know this. By the time these guru’s decide to “share”, they’ve already spent months milking these strategies dry until they realize that the strategies have started to die out. So they package it up, and sell it for a premium price, to be able to squeeze out some more earnings “from the strategy”, and also build up more brand & authority for themselves.

# Blogs, Gurus, Newsletters – Again, most of these are just “Promo Hubs” for their Affiliate links. Top bloggers, gurus, & newsletters get paid (in various ways) to post “biased” reviews for Traffic Sources (in some cases the traffic sources even fund their campaigns for a case study), Affiliate Networks, & services.

*And P.S.
I’m Not Saying All Of This To Bash Anyone

I’m saying all of this based on real experience. I’ve bought courses, products & private forum access from guru’s (in the past) in this scene, and felt instantly scammed (& some never refunded me). I’ve had managers (not just from networks) give me stolen campaigns (+ all the data). I’ve had my campaigns stolen as well.

…I’m constantly being asked by networks, trackers, & traffic sources (& other service owners) to make sponsored “journey threads”, just to stealth promote their services (& rest-assured, I always say no, even to $XXk/mo deals).

…I’ve had Networks ban my account, without payment, just because the Advertiser claimed the traffic was fraud (& I usually run multiple offers/networks in 1 campaign, so I’m 100% sure it wasn’t). I’ve had managers spam me every day (for weeks) to push/stop traffic (on the same offer) based on “lead quality”. And plenty more.

My point, (again), I’m just giving you the advice I wish I had during my own journey.

And, That’s Why I Made This List For You Here

The QuickStart Stack 🚀

For IF You’re Starting From Complete Zero…

#1. I highly recommend you have at least $500-$1000 available as monthly budget – This will give you enough room to experiment & learn the basics of Affiliate Media Buying, while you also get the hang of the technical side of running Performance Marketing campaigns.

#2. Joining affLIFT is a must – This is the only Affiliate forum that I actively engage in, and also the only forum I’d still recommend being a part of in 2025. They have plenty of guides for beginners (& intermediates). And expert community leaders that are very active & ready to help you at every step & even with your most basic questions. And more importantly, they also host contests with big ($3k+) prizes, which makes it a very safe environment for you to learn while earning (i.e. even if your campaigns don’t do well, you can still profit from making a good thread about it). And I highly recommend you (don’t just lurk &) focus on creating your own introduction & journey threads, so that you can get the best help, insights, & recommendations on here. And you can always tag me (@DEADZ) on here as well.

And Here’s The Main Starter Stack I Recommend For Beginners

  • GoldenGoose – Low-Payout & High-Converting mVAS Offers, which means lower test budget & lead quality requirements. And more importantly, they have Daily Payouts, which means better cashflow for you. And Offer pages clearly show which Traffic Sources & Pre-Landers are performing best, so you can easily find good opportunities here.
  • PropellerAds – Considered the top Push & Pops source by a lot of Affiliates. I recommend you mainly focus on running CPA Goal campaigns here, and keep testing offers (from GoldenGoose) until you find campaigns that result in at least -30% ROI after $30-$50 spent. In most cases, you just need to focus your campaigns on best performing Creatives, Pre-Landers, Offers, Hours, Os Versions, Carriers, Browsers, etc, and (pro tip: I recommend you duplicate & retest the campaign after every optimization and) the CPA Goal campaigns will do most of the optimization work for you beyond that – running multiple duplicates of your +ROI campaigns (example) is key here.
  • MaxConv – Free/Cheap tracker (just) to get started with, BUT if you’re not worried about costs, then I highly recommend FunnelFlux, since it’s the best “Bang 4 Your Buck” tracker right now, and this is actually the tracker I’m currently recommending the most for longterm, and even for the most advanced Performance Marketing campaigns.
  • Optional: Anstrex (Push) for spying on Push campaigns.
  • Optional: Anstrex (Pops) for spying on Pop campaigns.
  • Optional: Vultr for hosting your pre-landers.

* And Please Note – These types of campaigns never last. These are more “Hit & Run” & “Churn & Burn” type of campaigns. At the very most, these type of campaigns can last 3-to-6 months in some rare cases, but usually most campaigns will only last a few days to a few weeks. Your main goal here should be to identify the good opportunities asap, and scale as fast as possible to milk as much ROI as possible from the campaign while it lasts.

And Here’s Some Beginner-Friendly Networks That Are Also Worth Joining

  • Monetizer – An account here is a must-have when you’re running mVAS. This network handles such a large volume of traffic & conversions per day, and they allow you to get insights from their data (using their snapshot tool) that’s actually applicable to any Pop or Push campaign. I highly recommend using this tool to confirm which Countries & Carriers are performing well, and also which Os, Os Versions, Browsers, Hours, etc your should target in your (GoldenGoose + PropellerAds) CPA campaigns.
  • TrafficCompany – High-converting offers for Pop & Push. You can easily get access to weekly payment(but I still recommend focusing on GoldenGoose). Mainly recommended, because a lot of Affiliates agree that this network has the best Affiliate Managers in the whole scene. IF (& only IF) you decide to really focus on these type of (mVAS on Pop & Push) campaigns, then I’d highly recommend working with this network.
  • Zeydoo – Not highly recommend, but still a “worthy” mention because they do perform for a lot of Affiliates. They also have high-converting offers for PropellerAds (mainly because they’re under the same Holding company), but their payment terms & schedules aren’t as good as GoldenGoose. Again: I’d only recommend checking this network out if you plan to really focus on type of (mVAS on Pop & Push) campaigns for a while. And also checkout (their other sister company) ProPush for extra monetization on your pre-landers.

And Here’s Some Advice IF You’re On A Tight Budget

Once you get a hang of things with these type campaigns, I recommend you set a goal for yourself of reaching & maintaining $3k$6k in monthly profit, so that you can use that cashflow as your budget for testing more “evergreen” campaigns (a.k.a. more high quality Verticals & Ad Formats) that give you more stability for the longrun.

* I’m suggesting $3k-$6k here, because this is the most common average range I’ve seen multiple Affiliates achieve with this same approach & stack, recently, in 2025.

…And, even if you’re already in a position where you can spend $3k+ per month on campaigns, without stress, I do highly recommend you to still take the approach mentioned above to learn & get the hang of things, especially if you’re starting out with 0 knowledge, and especially to confirm for yourself if this is indeed the right vehicle for you, first.

…And, once you feel like you’re ready to focus on more EverGreen & High Quality campaigns, then I’d suggest you grab your invite on the ADMYTHIC main page, so you can get access to the AFFMANUAL & more in-depth advice on what next steps to take.

Now, Here’s More Links On…

Where To Learn 📚

  • Your Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing (for Beginners) – A quick-read covering (mainly just) the basics theories of Affiliate Performance Marketing.
  • AWxSTM “What’s Working In Affiliate Marketing 2024” – There is a lot of fluff in this one, but you might pick up some golden nuggets here & there.
  • Supreme Guide to Affiliate Marketing Verticals – A very good guide, that’s actually better than most, with some valuable insights on each Vertical.
  • This Technical Case Study by FunnelFlux – A straightforward series on a solid & low-cost approach for Beginners to test & find some profitable campaign opportunities.
  • This Course by Adsterra – I mainly recommend checking Chapter 5.
  • ClickBank’s “Affiliated” Videos – Pretty high-quality interviews & top trending offer updates that might give you some new insights here & there.
  • This Course From ClickBank – An “ok” mini-course for Beginners.
  • Spark by ClickBank – Another ok course for Beginners. And their Discord also offers ok helpdesk style support for complete Beginners.
  • MaxWeb’s Youtube Channel – Has high-quality & in-depth webinars (especially the older ones) with a lot of good insights for Affiliate Media Buying strategies & mindset.
  • 7 Figure Entrepreneur’s Youtube Channel – Has some high-quality interviews with legit top earners in the scene, especially LeadGen & PayPerCall.
  • RichAd’s Youtube LiveStreams – The livestreams are good for staying updated on what’s trending on specific Verticals & (RichAd’s) Ad Formats.
  • Dr.Cash’s Youtube Channel – One of the few channels that has guides on how to run BlackHat Social campaigns, mainly for COD offers. Also checkout their Teletype Blog for more case studies & trends.
  • OfferVault’s Youtube Channel – Solid interviews with top & key players from across the whole scene, covering pretty much all aspects of Performance Marketing.
  • The LFG Show’s Youtube Channel – Part of OfferVault, so same level of content. More solid interviews with top & key players (mainly in the LeadGen scene).
  • John Casto’s Youtube Channel – More solid interviews with top players (mainly in PayPerCall & LeadGen). Also does coverage & reviews of Affiliate events.
  • AffiVerse’s Youtube Channel – Pretty good podcast with some pretty straightforward interviews, here & there, on Affiliate Marketing, in general.
  • Edge Academy – Free courses on fundamentals of Programmatic Advertising, OmniChannel, and Marketing, in general.
  • VidTao’s Youtube Channel – More advanced Direct Response videos & interviews, and insights from an Agency team that’s done $950M+ in Direct Response Revenue.
  • Funnel of The Week – Also from the team behind VidTao. In-depth Direct Response breakdowns & interviews of top-performing multi-million dollar funnels.
  • NothingHeldBack – I’d say it’s a must-join. Full of Direct Response & CopyWriting insights. If this link doesn’t get you in, make sure to join their Facebook Group.
  • GeekHub – Good for getting access to recordings of past GeekOut events, which are much better than most events. The Slack community is also ok, but it’s more focused on Offer & Agency owners, and not so active, but still good for connects.
  • NativeHub – A must-join if you want to focus on Native. Weekly live calls where you can ask anything to a (very helpful & no B.S.) team of Legendary Media Buyers managing $100m+/year on Native. They also have a Slack channel for live Q&A’s.
  • Search Arbitrage Bible – An in-depth A-Z guide on Search Arbitrage. A must-read if you’re focusing on Search Arbitrage. Also checkout their webinars for more insights.
  • Search Arbitrage Academy – This community is must-join if you’re focusing on Search Arbitrage. Mainly focusing on FB/Meta, they have a beginner-friendly Course, journeys & case-study videos, lists of links with top performing campaigns for spying, and more. And you can combine their information with NativeHub if you want to focus on Native.
  • The Pay Per Call Revolution – A must-read, even if you’re not focusing on Pay Per Call.
  • Pay Per Call MasterClass – Also must-watch, even if you’re not focusing on Pay Per Call. This is one of the best courses on Performance Marketing, in general. Especially the “Glossary of Terms” & “Copywriting & Advertising” videos.
  • AWxSTM. – Mainly for the Affiliate World event replays. The forum itself does have a lot of fluff & (covert) sponsored content (in my opinion).
  • EDollarEarn – For any course you need. I recommend looking up courses like Scalers Method, Locked In Leads, & Profit Singularity (& also leaks from Justin Goff, NothingHeldBack, any other Gurus & courses in the scene).


🏆 What We Use

* Please note that I am well-aware of all the other Networks, Traffic Sources, & Tools, but the following is what’s being focused on the most inside ADMYTHIC right now – IF you want to learn more or if you want more exclusive treatment & service from Managers at these Networks & Sources, grab your invite on the ADMYTHIC main page.

  • AdCombo – Top COD (Cash On Delivery) Network with 2x weekly payouts. Works well with (BlackHat) Social, Native, Adult, Push traffic, and more.
  • ClickBank – #1 for VSL Offers with a track-record of $6.5B+ in total paid commissions to Affiliates, and up to 2x weekly payouts (via Ascend program). Works well with (BlackHat & WhiteHat) Social, Search, Native, Email & SMS traffic.
  • MaxWeb – Same Top VSL Offers as ClickBank & BuyGoods, but on CPA (so no more worrying about refund & chargeback deductions), with up to 3x weekly payouts. Works well with (BlackHat & WhiteHat) Social, Search, Native, Email & SMS traffic.
  • GiddyUp – #1 for eCom Offers with a ton of offers that easily do 6-figures+ per week, each. The main network for offers for Listicle campaigns (check this video & this video). Their offers have auto-localization (for language, payment options & price) in 25+ countries. Works well with Social, Native, Search, Email & SMS traffic.
  • GuruMedia – Top-Performing (Straight Sale & Free Trial) Nutra & eCom offers. Works well with (BlackHat) Social, Search, Native, Email & SMS traffic. Mainly recommended for more experienced Affiliates, as this Network is harder to get approved on, but well-worth the effort as all their offers tend to perform well for Affiliates.
  • DFOPerformance – Top-Performing eCom offers. Most of their offers tend to perform well for Affiliates. Also has good offers for Listicle campaigns. Works well with Social, Native, Search, Email & SMS traffic.
  • PerformCB – Top-Performing Offers in all Verticals. Mainly works well with (BlackHat & WhiteHat) Social, Native, Search, Email & SMS, and certain specific offers can also work well with pretty much any type of traffic. Their payout terms & schedule is not the best though.
  • SquareDance – Top DTC Brand Offers with celebrity endorsements. Perfect for (WhiteHat) Social. They even offer test budgets to top Affiliates. Check this video & this video.
  • JumbleBerry – Top-Performing (Straight Sale & Free Trial) Nutra (& some eCom) offers. Works well with (BlackHat) Social, Search, Native, Email & SMS traffic. A good starter alternative to GuruMedia & PerformCB.
  • MGID – Good starter Native source. Works well with most Nutra offers (COD, SS, FT, & VSL). Easy compliance. Automation features. Highly recommended to work with Managers (requires $2.5k deposit) here to setup your Creatives, White & Black Lists, and feed you insights on top-performing campaigns.
  • AdsKeeper – Another good starter Native source. Works well with most Nutra offers (COD, SS, FT, & VSL). Easy compliance. Automation features. Highly recommended to work with Managers (requires $2.5k deposit) here to setup your Creatives, White & Black Lists, and feed you insights on top-performing campaigns.
  • RevContent – Good Native source for VSL, LeadGen, & Arbitrage campaigns. Easy compliance. Virtually no support here. TheOptimizer is a must-have here & makes everything easier, especially with auto-bidding & whitelists. And you can easily find campaigns via Anstrex.
  • OutBrain – One of the top Native sources. Good for LeadGen, eCom, & some Nutra. A bit harder on compliance. Allows you to target MSN only straight from campaign settings, which is a very good starter site to run your test campaigns on.
  • Taboola – Top Native source for pretty much all Verticals. Compliance is the hardest here vs all other Native sources, but it’s well-worth the effort as the scale & stability is very good.
  • MediaGo – Top Native DSP. Especially for MSN placements.
  • FunnelFlux – The most “Bang 4 Your Buck” tracker.
  • ClickFlare – Good tracker for Native & Search Arbitrage campaigns.
  • RedTrack – Best tracker in terms of integrations, especially for LeadGen Verticals.
  • TripleWhale – Best tracker for Shopify.
  • Anstrex – Affordable spytool for Native (Push, & Pops) campaigns.
  • AdPlexity – Best spytool for Native, Push, Adult, & more.
  • AdBeat – Good spytool for spying on Taboola & Outbrain campaigns.
  • SpyHero – Spytool, specifically for ClickBank offers.
  • VidTao – Best spytool for Youtube campaigns.
  • LanderLab – Fast & Easy hosting (& editor) your pre-landers.
  • Rocket.Net – Fastest WordPress hosting for your Performance campaigns.
  • Replo – High-Converting DTC templates for Shopify.
  • TheOptimizer – Must-Have auto-optimization tool for Native & Search Arbitrage campaigns. Also make sure to checkout their Webinars.
  • AdRevival – Strongest “BulletProof” account setups for Meta/Facebook.
  • ComboCards – VCC’s for running (Black/Grey Hat) Social Ads.
  • OrangeTrail – WhiteHat Agency accounts with direct-line access to reps.
  • SubscribeFunnels – Top-Performing templates & hosting for your own Nutra offers.
  • Supliful – Dropshipping for your own DTC Nutra Brands on Shopify.
  • SimilarWeb – Good spytool to reverse engineer traffic from any link.
  • InVideo (AI) – For creating Video Ads (for FB, TT, & YT) from text.
  • ForePlay – For creating FB & TT Ad swipe files. Also checkout their masterclasses.
  • CampaignRefinery – Affiliate-Friendly ESP for more advanced marketers.
  • FirstBase – For US LLC & Mailroom (& check this Youtube channel more info).
  • Payoneer – For personal banking, debit card & getting paid via ACH, IBAN, etc.
  • Revolut – For personal (& business) banking & premium debit cards with rewards.
  • Wise – For US LLC business (& personal) banking & getting paid via ACH, IBAN, etc.
  • Brex – For US LLC business bank & debit cards with rewards.
  • Noones – For receiving Crypto payments & transfering to Payoneer, Revolut, and more.



I hope this page helps you in any way with your own journey.


Make sure you check back every now & then for any updates.

And, if you think this page can help anyone, please do feel free to share it.


#P.S. Whenever You Feel Ready: Grab Your Invite From ADMYTHIC’s Main Page.


And, Whatever You Do…


Stay Awesome,


Darnel a.k.a. DEADZ

“Here’s To Your Success 🥂